About Me

I am...

  • a follower of Jesus

  • a wife! (as of 1-1-11 at 1:11 pm)

  • a "mom-mom" to four wonderful boys 

  • an elementary teacher turned homeschool mom (as of Summer 2020)

  • an artist and musician at heart
  • a Scripture memory enthusiast

I like...

  • singing, smiling, skipping

  • crafting, cooking, creating

  • teaching, traveling, training

  • learning, laughing, lounging

  • playing games, playing instruments, playing!

On a summer park adventure

Sharin' the adventure in Alaska!

Singing and being silly together!

1 comment:

  1. Hi from the BibleMemoryGoal Group! I have been enjoying seeing all the different Data, Numbers and all the photo's. Keeping track of time outside or being outside, I am surprised I haven't done before. This is so cool, love it.


Psalm Song Options

If you know anything about my Scripture memory journey, you know that I prefer and encourage memorizing with song.  There are many great Scr...