Tracking our hours outside during 2021 was such a good experience overall that we're doing it again! The older boys thought that since we reached 1000 in 2021 that we could lessen our goal for 2022. Ha! I thought about trying to have no days with zero hours outside, but we already started January with two zeroes. Oh well...I guess it takes the pressure off!
Here's a link to the official website with some of the rationale of why 1000 hours outside.
I'm keeping track on here to keep myself accountable (and to have a record to look back on)
January - 46 hours
February - 54 hours
March - 82 hours
April - 94 hours
May - 109 hours
June - 138 hours
July - 131 hours
August - 146 hours
September -108 hours
October - 93 hours
November - 45 hours
December - 35 hours
1,080 hours total for 2022!
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