Sunday, January 8, 2023

45 Hours Outside - November 2022

November - 45 hours (1,045 total)

Well, after a big push in October, we slacked off a bit with our time outside.  Part of this was due to the weather, part due to fatigue on my part and also juggling the schedule of pumping eight times a day.  We went to a couple parks -- Hill n' Dale all morning on a school day and Wellington for a sunset walk to the ice cream store.  We also hit up Meadowbrook, Harrods Hill, Cardinal Run, and Gardenside (new playground!). We spent a lot of time raking and playing in the leaves (from the neighbors, since our front yard tree doesn't produce many). We visited in the courtyard with Memaw and played at Evans Orchard on the last day of the season.  And, after months of staying mostly in our front yard at home, we ventured into the forest and introduced Chance to our extended backyard.

Here’s our month in daily 1 second increments: 

And here's our daily breakdown of hours outside:
11/1 - 1 hour yard

11/2 - 0
11/3 - 3.5 hours Hill N Dale Park, yard

11/4 - 2 hours leaf raking

11/5 - 3.5 hours wind

11/6 - 0
11/7 - 3.5 hours yard

11/8 - 3 hours

11/9 - 2.5 hours yard

11/10 - 4.5 hours Arboretum, Wellington Park

11/11 - 0 (rain)
11/12 - 0 (30s)
11/13 - 2.5 hours chilly, neighbor kids

11/14 - 0
11/15 - 0
11/16 - 0
11/17 - 0
11/18 - 0
11/19 - 0
11/20 - 1.5 hours yard

11/21 - 0
11/22 - 1 hour Cardinal Run Park

11/23 - 3 hours Evans Orchard

11/24 - 4 hours clean yard, Memaw

11/25 - 2 hours yard, forest

11/26 - 2.5 hours Gardenside Park

11/27 - 0
11/28 - 1 hour yard

11/29 - 3 hours Meadowbrook Park, forest

11/30 - 1 hour Harrods Hill Park

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