Saturday, November 28, 2020

Veggie Straws on Thanksgiving

You prepare a table before me
    GrubHub has nothing on my mother-in-law
    She made a Thanksgiving feast with all the fixin's 
        turkey, ham
        mashed potatoes
        green beans
        cooked apples
        deviled eggs
        lemon pound cake and chocolate earthquake cake        

in the midst of all humanity's current enemy
-- the coronavirus
    and delivered it to our door
       for each family unit to eat separately
       because of a recent exposure to the virus
            that left us all quarantining

My cup overflows...
    Not with extended family in person
        but connected via technology
        and eating together, but separately, the same menu
        lovingly prepared

So why do I find myself,
    as I portion out the food for the six of us,
        grabbing for the stray veggie straws on the counter?
        It's -4 minutes until our Thanksgiving feast
            and I'm busy eating a snack

I tell the boys not to eat right before dinner
    so they don't lose their appetite
        and here I am...

These random happenings throughout my days
    often have spiritual parallels
                                and principles underneath
            if I let the Lord speak

I thought of the FEAST set before me, spiritually,
            and how I often settle for veggie straws --
                the quick
                    temporary satisfiers
                     and instant gratifiers
               those empty calories
                    and lesser pleasures clamoring for my attention
If I will discipline myself
    to sit at the table for the feast,
        I will leave full and satisfied
Or I can take the easy road of veggie straws
    and not have any appetite left
        for the feast that has been lovingly prepared
            for me

You, Father, bring me to the banqueting house (Song of Solomon 2:4)
    and prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies (Psalm 23:5)

Will I choose veggie straws 
                or Thanksgiving feast?

(poem written 11-28-20)

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