Monday, December 7, 2020

Lexington Parks - Garden Springs ("Children ought to learn manners" vs. "Let the kids play")

(Unintelligible grumbling)
As she and her dog got closer, 
    (but still more than six feet away, of course)
        I realized that her grumblings 
            were directed at my boys
        who had just jumped down from a park sign
            and onto an area where she had planted flower bulbs
                with. her. own. money.
"Can't they climb on a jungle gym instead?"
    (gesturing toward nearby playground)
"We haven't touched a playground since March,
    and we're just trying to make the best of things."
I tried to stay positive and friendly,
    while I apologized and wished the best for her future flowers
        "I'm sorry." 
        "We won't do it again." 
        "I hope your flowers turn out well," 
            I said with a genuine smile
As I walked away
    to catch up with my rowdy, far-down-the-path boys
        I heard her mutter (to herself or to me?)
            "Children ought to learn manners."
                And I didn't know
                    whether to feel utterly ashamed
                                        or unfairly accused
                    Should I scold my children
                        for not showing respect for a wintry flower bed
                    or defend my children
                        for being wild at heart?

It reminds me of a frequent phrase
    I heard growing up:
        "No running in God's house."
    The "house" they were referring to was the sanctuary of our church,
        and I remember, as a rowdy kid,
            facing the same dilemma:
                Should I view this room as reserved only for pious worship
                    or is there room in this room for laughter and games of tag?
                Should I climb the sign and jump on the flower bed
                    or restrain myself and tiptoe around?
                    or revelry?
And even now, 
    I can imagine that the Jesus who said,
        "Let the little children come to Me"        
            might just be running between the pews 
                            and skipping around His "house"
But as soon as I felt justified
    about my approach of "Let the kids play,"
        I realized that there is some truth to
            "Children ought to learn manners."
Of course, I want our boys to be respectful
    toward people and property

As with so many things in life
    there's a balance -- a time and a place for both
        revelry in a way that shows respect
        manners in a way that leaves room for merriment
JESUS, help me find a way
    to allow for both play and respect
    to train without scolding
    to correct without...
        (unintelligible grumbling)

(poem written on 12-6-20)

Garden Springs Park - We've been to this park a handful of times before but only to the playground, which is part of Garden Springs Elementary. Since we are avoiding playgrounds altogether (which makes it easier it easier to explain to the 2-year-old), we went straight to the paved trail that led to... 

(they can't resist rolling down. I used to, but now I get too dizzy!)

a baseball field...
There was a dog inside the fence (Calvin only likes them when he can watch them from a safe distance behind a fence) that kept jumping to catch a frisbee. 

a bike rack...
(Our boys have always loved these. I still remember little Carter's voice narrating "Over...Under" as he climbed on it.

...and chickens! We followed the sound of the mid-day rooster, and the boys loved trying to get the roosters to respond to them.

I love how easily entertained they are. Hills, bike racks, baseball fields, and chickens are enough to make them happy! We love our backyard, but it's nice to have a change of scenery.

(Note: We have visited 30+ parks in Lexington since the beginning of Covid. These are not meant to be extensive reviews but more a record of our experiences. Eventually I will add hyperlinks to all the blog entries here)      

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