Saturday, January 9, 2021

Lexington Parks - Meadowthorpe Park

Meadowthorpe (Louie Mack) Park (333 Larch Lane) 
Location - in the Meadowthorpe area, off Leestown Rd
Playground? yes 
Trails? yes (paved)

We visited this part in December after we had made the decision that playgrounds were okay if there weren't any other kids playing. After 9 months of no playgrounds, even small playgrounds are thrilling for the boys. 

Teeter-totter for four...

Calvin thought he would whine like Cooper was. I try to tell them I can only handle one whiner at a time!


The boys loved going up and down this slide.

(Note: We have visited 40+ parks in Lexington since the beginning of Covid. These are not meant to be extensive reviews but more a record of our experiences. Eventually I will add hyperlinks to all the blog entries here) 

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