Saturday, March 6, 2021

Lexington Parks - Coldstream

Coldstream Park (1850 Pisacano Drive)
Location - off Newtown Pike, connects to the Legacy Trail
Playground? no
Trails? yes (paved)
Other? dog park, scummy pond, big rocks to climb on, creek

    My goal was to hike the Legacy Trail, but from where we parked, it took us so long to GET there that we didn't make it very far on the actual trail. (I'd suggest starting from the parking lot off McGrathiana Parkway). The boys enjoyed throwing rocks into this scummy pond. The scum would disperse for several seconds and then close up again. Kind of gross. 

Climbing on the rocks. This is back when Colson was learning to walk and wasn't wearing shoes yet. 

It got a little heavy pulling all three! I must have been feeling extra compassionate towards the 6-year-old

This was a cool area along the Legacy Trail

Calvin "discovered" this neat little area

I busted out the timer to take a group picture on the bridge

It felt like this wagon became a part of me over the summer (and fall and winter)

Having a picnic back by the van

(Note: We visited all 88 LFUCG parks in the span of a Covid year -- mid-March 2020 to February 2021. These are not meant to be extensive reviews but more a record of our experiences. Eventually I will add hyperlinks to all the blog entries here)

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