Saturday, March 6, 2021

Lexington Parks - Johnson Heights

Johnson Heights Park (846 Johnsdale Dr.)
Location - near Winchester Rd and New Circle
Playground? yes 
Trails? yes (paved)
Other? baseball field, open field, bridge

    This was a nice little park. I would've never found it if I hadn't been looking for it. We came on a chilly day but stayed for awhile.

Carter liked all the climbing opportunities

Several of the new playgrounds have these slides that are hard for little kids to climb up (therefore, I like them! They're a challenge for the big kids, and I don't have to worry about the little kids trying to climb them on their own)

This was a neat little feature -- like a ball maze that you could spin

I also like music features, although I'm not sure how durable this one will be


These picnic tables are nice

Taking a break from the playground to walk the loop trail

I'm not sure what this area is like normally. This was after a lot of rain

I had to pry him away from the sign. "O" is his favorite letter

(Note: We visited all 87 LFUCG parks in the span of a Covid year -- mid-March 2020 to February 2021. These are not meant to be extensive reviews but more a record of our experiences. Eventually I will add hyperlinks to all the blog entries here)

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