Saturday, July 31, 2021

Meet a Memorizer (Anya)

In this series, you will meet several folks who have been faithfully memorizing Scripture this year as part of our 2021 Scripture Memory Challenge on Facebook. May you be encouraged and spurred on by their stories!

Next up is Anya. We have never met in person, but we have a lot in common! We both...
-graduated from Asbury, a few years apart from each other
-have 4 kids
-are teachers
-are crazy enough to try to memorize the book of Romans!

I had posted in a mutual Facebook group because I felt like the Lord was leading someone else to memorize Romans, too. Anya, whom I had never previously connected with, responded to the message and decided to go for it! Her life is busy, and I'm impressed with how she's been making steady progress this year. Here's a bit of her story:

-Tell us a little about yourself and your background with memorizing Scripture
    My name is Anya, and I live in Raleigh, NC with my husband, Jonathan, and our four kiddos, ages 8 to 1. I got connected to this group through Mary's post in a Facebook group for alumnae of Asbury University, where she was looking for a Scripture memory buddy. I grew up with Bible club and summer camp memorizing individual verses but honestly stopped as soon as I graduated. Then as an adult I worked on Scripture memory several years ago, doing about a chapter a month, but had fallen out of the habit lately. Mary's post was just the boost I needed to set a goal and get back into memorizing the Word!

-What is your goal, and how did you decide on it?
    My goal for 2021-2022 is the book of Romans. I'm not sure quite how long it will take, might be the whole two years, but I'm working on chapter 5 now! :) I had been thinking about memorizing Romans ever since a chapel speaker at my sister's college gave a message that ended with him reciting the entire book of Romans. Fear of failure kept me from making it a serious goal. Mary suggested the book of Romans in her Facebook post, and it was like God nudged my heart and told me to jump in and try!

-What method do you use to memorize?
    I use several methods to help me memorize Scripture. Songs help sometimes, especially with the Psalms! I am also a visual learner, so I read the passage from the same Bible frequently (so that the words are in the same places on the page), and write out the passage, a section at a time, in my notebook a few times. I also like to listen to the Bible read aloud, like on the Bible Gateway app. It's nice to get to the point where I can recite along with the app!

-How have you personally grown as a result of memorizing Scripture this year?
    Scripture memory is hard for me just because my life feels so inconsistent from day to day (or minute to minute!) that I am not very consistent with when and how I spend time in the Word. But I have seen how the Spirit will bring verses to my mind at just the right time that I memorized years ago!  With longer passages and books of the Bible, I think memorizing the entire book or long passage really helps me understand the bigger picture of what it is saying. I have really enjoyed working through Romans word by word, because I think it's helping me understand and rest in the logical argument that Paul makes for salvation by grace alone!

-What encouragement would you have for others?
    For the one who is having a hard time with continuing (or starting!) Scripture memory, I would say that you are not alone! I don't know anyone studying the Word who finds it easy all the time!  The times when I find it easiest to memorize verses are times when the verse is what I need to focus on in that season. So, verses of reassurance when I was afraid of the future, verses of exhortation when I was struggling to be obedient in an area. If in doubt, ask a person you look up to in the faith what their favorite verse is, and then tackle that one! And always start as small as you need to for success!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Meet a Memorizer! (Lisa)

In this series, you will meet several folks who have been faithfully memorizing Scripture this year as part of our 2021 Scripture Memory Challenge on Facebook. May you be encouraged and spurred on by their stories!

Next up is Lisa, my aunt. She came into my life when I was an adult, and I don't live nearby, but I know her to be an exemplar in the faith. I've enjoyed the few times I've spent with her in person, and my uncle Paul has high praise for her character and pleasantness, even when no one is looking (Often, the people closest to you see you at your worst, but Paul insists that she is ever-smiley as this photo suggests). She has been working her way through memorizing the book of Hebrews this year, and I've been impressed with her steadiness and persistence. Here's a bit of her story:

    I live in Lisle, Illinois with my husband Paul. I have three adult children, and 6 grandchildren.  I'm a Physical Therapist Assistant and I work in Early Intervention (ages 0-3) providing physical therapy services in home health.   I came to faith at age 12, and since then have been memorizing scripture intermittently, often when life seemed hard and I felt I needed to renew my mind. I have to say recently with all of the political and social upheaval in our country, I needed to renew my mind.  I overheard a  speaker on Moody about memorization and then shortly after that, saw that you, Mary, were memorizing large portions of scripture and so I think you have been the biggest inspiration.  And also my work was cut way back due to coronavirus - I used to leave early in the morning and come back late and exhausted so I didn't have as much time to invest in memorizing - but now I do!  I felt the holy spirit wanted me to spend a lot of time meditating and learning about Jesus through Hebrews.  So I fully intend to continue working toward reciting the whole book. After that maybe the book of John.  

    I'm hoping just to continue memorizing and meditating on the word indefinitely, because it draws me close to him and helps me know him.  I've tried different methods but what seems to work for me is just repeating it over and over, and when I invariably get stuck with the wording, I will use the first letter of each word as a mnemonic that helps me keep those tougher phrases in my mind. 

    Memorizing scripture has helped me overcome my shyness about sharing my faith and helped me pray for people more and reach out more to those in need - and there are so many people in need.  One of the verses I just memorized in my next chapter of Hebrews was in chapter 6 - "He will not forget your work and the love you have shown HIM by helping his people and continuing to help them." And that really spoke to my heart about helping others.

    What I would say to encourage others is just keep at it, you will be blessed and will bless others by the change it will make in your heart!

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Meet a Memorizer! (Joyce)

In this series, you will meet several folks who have been faithfully memorizing Scripture this year as part of our 2021 Scripture Memory Challenge on Facebook. May you be encouraged and spurred on by their stories!

Next up is Joyce, who was my 11th grade English teacher. When I reached out to her at the beginning of the year, she said, "I will confess I am terrible about memorizing scripture." She set the goal of two verses/month, but she not only has accomplished that goal, she often posts video recitations for two passages. Many people say they have a terrible memory, but memorizing Scripture IS possible!

-Tell us a little about yourself.
I'm from New Castle where I was born and raised.  I am a retired high school English teacher (and occasionally French) with two children and four grandchildren.

I keep busy with volunteering with our Friends of the Library  group, of which I am president, serving as the secretary/treasurer of the condo association where I live, and serving as the clerk of our church's Session and helping with our food pantry.  I also have a small dog, Paco, who keeps me active as I must walk him several times a day.

-How did you get connected with the 2021 Scripture Memory Challenge? Why did you decide to join?
I got involved in the Scripture Memory Challenge because my former student, Mary, invited me and convinced me I could do this although I had told her I'm not very good at memorizing scripture.
-How did/do you choose what to memorize next?
So far, I've chosen verses and passages that were familiar to me but which I hadn't successfully memorized.  I also jot down verses that the pastor uses on Sunday to see if there are any that appeal to me.  I usually write the verse down and then continue to say it over and over until I feel confident.  The longer verses (like the Beatitudes) have taken me a week or more, but the shorter versions I can usually memorize in a couple of days--saying it often and checking myself. 
-How have you personally grown as a result of memorizing Scripture this year?
I've enjoyed the challenge as it encourages me to spend time in the scriptures.  I'm always happy to find a passage I had marked from a Bible study because it helps me remember what I had been studying and gives me new ideas for memorizing.  I do feel a little more confident in recalling scripture and have used these when I have been called to fill the pulpit at my church.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Meet a Memorizer! (Phyllis)

In this series, you will meet several folks who have been faithfully memorizing Scripture this year as part of our 2021 Scripture Memory Challenge on Facebook. May you be encouraged and spurred on by their stories!

First up is Phyllis, who is the mom of one of my dear childhood friends. This picture accurately captures her joy and radiance. She is kind and hospitable, and she loves all sorts of people! In 2021, she committed to memorizing a proverb every week, and she's been steadily making progress through the book, reciting to her husband, and reporting her progress to our group.

-Tell us a little about yourself
 I have lived in New Castle for 36 years & am a native Hoosier; born & raised in Evansville.  Married to John for 40 years with 2 daughters Kate & Meredith, 2 son in laws Gustavo & Jake, & 3 granddaughters Luisa, Emilia, & Sophia.  I am retired from the field of Physical Therapy (John is also retired) so we split our time between New Castle & visiting our granddaughters in the St. Louis area.  When I’m home, I’m actively involved in the Pro-Life ministry at our local Pregnancy Care Center as a Peer Counselor & Treasurer - have been involved there for 20 years.  We are also active in our church, St. Anne Catholic. 
-What is your background with memorizing Scripture?
I have studied Scripture for years but have not memorized much.  Of course, I have favorite verses that come to mind & have written many verses down that are meaningful to me but memorization in general is a challenge for me.
-How did you get connected with the 2021 Scripture Memory Challenge? Why did you decide to join?
I got connected with this group through a Facebook post by you, Mary, & thought it would be a good way to further delve into Scripture.  I want to memorize more Scripture by heart so that it “comes to me” when I need it & when the opportunity arises to share with others.
-What method do you use to memorize?
My steps in memorizing are to read it, write it down (such as on an index card) & put it where I will see it frequently.  I then re-read it many times & try to recite it from memory as often as possible.  I have exercise equipment in my basement that I use 5-6 days/week & while exercising, I also use the time to pray.  I have posted Scripture verses on the wall where I see them while exercising; I know this is multi-tasking but it’s kind of my personality & I know the Lord knows me & my ways!  With that said, I have come to appreciate the Prayer Time/Scripture Memorization more than the exercise & believe the Lord has led me to a routine/structure/discipline that works for me & glorifies Him. 
-How did/do you choose what to memorize next?
Regarding what to choose: I chose Proverbs this time as it is practical & applicable to everyday life but I truly believe all Scripture is worthwhile to study & reflect on.  I alternate between Old & New Testament and see what speaks to me the most at that time. 
-Why do you think memorizing Scripture is important?
As I alluded to earlier, memorizing Scripture enables us to have it in our minds & on our lips, both for ourselves & others.  It is a comfort to rely on & a strength to draw from, a good launching point for prayer.
-How have you personally grown as a result of memorizing Scripture this year?
I have personally grown with memorizing Scripture as it has drawn me closer to God & shown me that I can do it with perseverance, faith, encouragement from others, & accountability to others.  I still have a long way to go but am hopeful & feel that I have some tools to help me.

Psalm Song Options

If you know anything about my Scripture memory journey, you know that I prefer and encourage memorizing with song.  There are many great Scr...