I picked up a library book the other day by Kathie Lee Gifford entitled The Jesus I Know: Honest Conversations and Diverse Opinions about Who He Is. The premise was intriguing to me -- interviews with famous and not-so-famous people about their perception of Jesus. Before I start reading the book myself, I wanted to reflect a bit and formulate my own response to that question.
Who is Jesus to me?
My first thought was of a verse I've memorized from Exodus that doesn't actually mention Jesus by name (since it's in the Old Testament):
He is strength and song.
He has become my salvation.
He is my God and I will praise Him,... and I will exalt Him.
I've always loved Jesus; I can't remember a time not loving Him. And another verse -- we love because He first loved us.
He wooed my heart during Booster Band renditions of "Only a boy named David" and "Deep and Wide" and "The windows of heaven are open, the blessings are falling tonight..." He is my Song.
He led me through the words of my grandma encouraging me to "say my prayers" as I went to bed on sleepover nights. He is my Leader and Shepherd.
He gave me an early passion for His Word -- the stories I learned and the individual verses I memorized. He is my Living Word.
He proved Himself to be the Way, and the Truth, and the Life when I came face-to-face with my sinful heart. Despite being a teacher's pet and pretty obedient kid, I knew I couldn't save myself and that it wasn't enough to be a happy church attender. He is my Savior.
He prompted me to pray for a Christian friend as I headed into third grade, where I met my best friend from childhood who also had a heart for Jesus. He is my Coach.
He not only gave me Penny in the 3rd grade, He gave me Kate, Thomas, Rachel, Katie, Anthony, Megan, and Kara over the years who were also following Him. He is my Faithful Friend and my Friend-Giver.
He cheered me on through high school and college as I bloomed after prunings. He is my Gardener.
He has expanded my world as I had the opportunity to serve in Thailand, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Montana, Colorado, Utah, and Mississippi. He is my Adventure Partner and Model for Service.
Just when I thought I might spend my whole life alone, He gave me my wonderful husband and four fun-loving sons who sharpen me and root out my selfishness and bring me so much joy. He is my Potter and Joy-Deliverer.
When I walked through gloomy seasons of job failure and a miscarriage, He held my hand and never left me. He is my Refuge and Shield and Healer and Defender.
He came alive to me in new ways in my 30s as my hunger and thirst for Him increased, and He filled me and continues to do so. He is my Bread of Life and my Living Water.
I feel like I'm barely scratching the surface of describing 30+ years of walking with Jesus. He's the same, yet He's constantly surprising me. He is both gentle and fierce. He is a safe place but speaks the truth in love. He knows me better than anyone else does, yet He chooses to love me, again and again. I'm forever grateful to have found such a Friend.
Who is Jesus to me? All this and more. And one day,
this Friend I've known and loved and experienced and studied
and with whom I've conversed and held hands and laughed and walked
will no longer by contained in a book, or in my imagination, or in my deepest longings
but will be face to face.
Oh what a day that will be!