Wednesday, January 11, 2023

2022 Book Challenge Completed


    Well, about two minutes before midnight on December 31, 2022, I finished my reading goal for the year!  I was ahead of schedule most of the year until I had a baby in October.  In the past, I've read a bunch with a baby, especially on the Kindle since I can hold the "book" and turn the "pages" with one hand. Alas, I couldn't find the Kindle, and we had a stressful couple of months with our baby not gaining weight adequately and having therapies and a procedure to correct his tongue tie.  I found myself getting further and further behind and kicked myself for not setting a more reasonable goal.  There were two aspects of my reading goal for 2022 -- number of books read and a priority list to read, and I was behind on both.

    With a bunch of graphic novels and audiobooks, I finished my number goal.  And since I was close on my priority-to-read list, I pushed it to finish that, too.  I will admit that I didn't listen or read as carefully as I probably should have on some of them.  That was the downfall with trying to just get through on some books.  The good part is that I read a lot of great books that I might not have read if I was just waiting until "someday" to read them.  Having a deadline really helped although feeling "forced" sometimes sapped the joy out of it.

    My favorites were probably the biographies/memoirs I read. It's quickly becoming my favorite genre.  The C.S. Lewis books were probably the hardest to get through. I want to like his books, and I do appreciate what he's done, but they're just not my favorite.  Not even the Narnia books. I had planned on listening to the whole Chronicles of Narnia on our long 2-week road trip out west...until my 4 year old complained anytime I turned it on.   

Here's my Goodreads Year in Books. I love seeing all the covers of books I read!

I've included below my original post with my priority books to read. Each book title is a link to my GoodReads review (which range from a couple sentences on my thoughts to loads of quotes that I want to remember).


    For 2022, my goal is 200 books including the 60 or so from this list (which started as 20).  200 books is considerably fewer than what I finished in 2021, but these books will be challenging for me to finish.  Most are longer than my 162 page average from 2021.  I chose them for multiple reasons.  Many are ones sitting on my shelf that I need a little extra motivation to start and finish.  Some I found by sorting my to-read list on Goodreads by average rating.  Fighting Words, for example, has 6,553 ratings and an average of 4.7!  Looks like a book I need to finally read!  I'm hoping that this list will give me a little more focus so that when I'm deciding on a book to read, I won't be swept away by the latest book list but focus on these that I'd really like to finish.

2/1/22 update: By the end of January, I had read 49 books (again, many of them are with my kids and are quick reads, but they're all at least chapter books). I realized that I was on track to be able to read 365 books this year, so I adjusted my goal. I also finished my first 5 books of my list of 60 to read. I plan on spreading them out to 5 a month.

Adult Fiction

Middle Grade Fiction



Christian Living


Classic Christian




To Read with the Boys

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