I hear it in their voices these sudden outbursts of anger the I'm-annoyed-with-you tone the dramatic exasperation over something trivial And in my Don't-talk-to-your-brother-that-way lecture, I wonder aloud... Why are they so easily angered? Why so irritable? Why so quick to raise the volume? and then the echoes of my own boiling frustration and annoyance from minutes, hours, days earlier point the finger squarely back at me Me. I have been their teacher. I have been their example. When my harsh words stir up anger, then that's what they'll choose, too, no matter how many times I tell them "A gentle answer turns away wrath."
I need deep breaths. I need breaks. I need a full tank. I need the Holy Spirit's fruit in me.
They need these things, too, but they also need an example of choosing love even when frustrated.
I heard it in their voices, but first, they heard it in mine.
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