Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Homeschooling Journey Part 1

(written 3-20-20)

For the past two months,
    my "Discipleship in the Home" class had primed the pump
I've always said I could never do it
I love teaching in the classroom too much
I'd go crazy at home all the time
    but here I am enjoying it more than I ever thought possible
Day 2 of homeschooling, which went well,
    was also the day that Mary Friedeman
        was our guest lecturer
            and she discussed it
                (Coincidence? I think not)
Day 4 of homeschooling was blissful
    after the Day 3 chaos and meltdowns
        and "What's going well?" -Me
               "Nothing." -Carter
Day 4 was a different story
    "What your low?" -Me
     "No low." -Carter
We THRIVED on the time together and apart
                                  time outside and inside
                                  time being silly and being serious
And I told Lucas to entertain the possibility
    of being a homeschool family even after all this is over
I know I can't make decisions so flippantly
    but I think You may have been preparing me for this all along
So today, I'm starting the application process for VIPKid
    and starting to change my mindset
        as I try on this way of life
            not just for these quarantined days
                but for our family's future


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