Thursday, July 9, 2020

Homeschooling Journey Part 2

(written 4-1-20)

I remember leaving Providence
    and thinking
        "I'll never have a job description
            like this --
                preschool - middle school
                music, technology
                gifted/talented, library
            --ever again
But then I stepped into my role at Summit
    and loved
        teaching all subject areas
        focusing on discipleship
        planning creative days and projects
        packing in the fieldtrips
        leading chapel for K-5
And I'm just now realizing
    that homeschooling 
        is the culmination of ALL these things I love
                                    and ALL these things I'm good at
With homeschooling,
    I get to teach multiple ages
                    AND multiple subjects
                    (core subjects AND specials)
            The fieldtrips! The creativity! The discipleship!
                gifted/talented AND intervention
It's becoming more appealing 
    by the day

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