Wednesday, July 22, 2020

School - Bizarre

This week, our county is announcing the ever-evolving plan for public schools this fall. While we haven't officially sent our homeschool letter to the superintendent, we've already notified the principal at the boys' school. It's nice to not be at the mercy of what the school board will decide. We've been super cautious and strict with social distancing (more than anyone I know!), and I'm glad that I came to the decision of homeschooling from my own desire and free will (and with the blessing of my husband) without being backed into it kicking and screaming, like many will be. The school where I've taught for 3 years is planning to go back like normal, with certain precautions in place and with a "watch live from home" option. I'm still excited about homeschooling, but there are things I will miss about teaching in a regular classroom. I have to remind myself, though, that so much of what I loved about teaching -- the interactions, the fieldtrips, the I-know-you're-fifth-graders-but-come-to-the-carpet-for-storytime gatherings -- won't look the same. I'm thankful that our family is able to homeschool, and I don't envy those in leadership right now. There are no win-win solutions. 

JESUS, You are the Source of all wisdom. I ask for Your wisdom for these superintendents and principals and school boards and teachers making incredibly difficult decisions. Give them clarity of thought. Give them great creativity to think in new and innovative ways. Give them courage to face the school year. You are present, and You want to walk with us through difficult days. May we turn to You and not away from You in this time. In Jesus' name, Amen!

This was Calvin's kindergarten teacher, the assistant, and the interpreter.
We drove through to drop off their remaining assignments and to pick up a graduation gift.

(poem written 5-1-20)

There is a rollout plan
    for some businesses 
        to start re-opening in May
So some have the sense of 
    "This is almost over"
        and they consider quarantine
            in the past tense:
    "What were your favorite meals you made during quarantine?"
Yet I feel this is just beginning
    Crazy to say that after 7 weeks, this could be "just beginning"
It felt long that we'd be out 2 weeks from school
    then the rest of the year,
        but I'm already looking to next year
I had wanted to do homeschooling
    because I like all the quality time with my boys
    and because we are thriving as a family
I wasn't even thinking about the risks
    of sending the boys back to school
That seems to solidify the decision
A second wave is inevitable
How long will this thing drag out?
When will we return to "normal?"
    Or will we ever?

(poem written 5-26-20)

That's the word that keeps coming to mind

    to be packing up my classroom
        with my door shut
        talking to my colleagues through my mask or through my door
            instead of dropping in whenever I think of something to tell them
                or whenever I need whiteboard spray or a staple remover

    to be finishing the end of the school year
    without all the normal end-of-the-school-year hoopla

    to be wrapping up my time at Summit
    where I thought I'd be for years to come

    to be so conscious about germs
    after years of an it'll-build-their-immune-system way of life
Here I am
    wearing a mask
        not even touching doorknobs
        paranoid about having to go to the bathroom in public

    to stand so far apart when talking to someone
    to wipe down groceries before putting them away
    to shoo my children away from neighbors or walkers

but it's also bizarre
    to have some semblance of "normal"
    when the world right now is anything but normal

This "Exit Only" door was where I entered school every morning for 3 years. 
It's still hard to believe that it's not "my school" anymore.

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