A swing
and a hit
Carter made a list of verses to memorize
and a miss
Carter threw a slobbering fit when asked to play a song on the piano
A swing
and a hit
Calvin is super helpful with his little brothers and me
and a miss
Calvin is also super buggy/touchy with his brothers and me
A swing
and a hit
Cooper can consistently count to 10 on his own
and a miss
Cooper's first morning of potty training -- 5 (pee/poop in undies) to 0 (pee/poop in potty)
A swing
and a hit
Colson's eating more and more "regular" foods
and a miss
Colson wasn't ready for the edges of Cheez-its
Such is motherhood
A series of hits and misses
but the homeruns make up for the strikeouts
and you can't get a hit if you don't swing
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