Saturday, August 22, 2020

Back home again in Indiana...

For the first time in six months, I'm outside a 30-minute radius from our home. With the flexibility of homeschooling and with a recent negative COVID-19 test from my parents (and with Lucas under a magazine deadline), I loaded up the boys and headed north to Indiana. I love the simplicity of these days. We weren't tempted by trips to a museum or restaurant or library. I had planned on going on several walks around town, but the boys were content playing in the yard. Looking back, nothing sticks out as particularly awe-inspiring -- they enjoyed the simple pleasures of rocks, sticks, scooters, water table, and a fairy garden. We pulled out the sprinkler once (although it was rather chilly in the mornings) and had a fire with s'mores. I worked on a 1000 piece puzzle while listening to various audiobooks. The boys watched Lion Guard and Paw Patrol and whatever else Mimi had recorded. Calvin and I read Animorphs #6 and 91-Story Treehouse and 117-Story Treehouse, while Carter read them on his own and Mimi read picture books to everyone. Colson buddied up with Pa. And everyone got their fill of ice cream and Barnett's cookies. Oh, and every afternoon, I would take Cooper on a long ride in the country because that was the only way he'd settle down for a nap. I was still able to teach my classes early in the mornings and at night. So, so thankful for this change of scenery and time to connect.

41,151. a break from being "on" all the time
41,152. "Not that I have already obtained perfection, but I keep working toward the day..." (Phil 3)
41,153. So good to walk and talk with Rachel
41,154. sharing authentically
41,155. Wilbur Wright Trail
41,156. distancing AND exercising
41,157. nostalgia as I drive around
41,158. little 2 boys giggling together at bedtime
41,159. lots of fruit on hand
41,160. extended time
41,161. lots of reflection these days!
41,162. Mom's laptop able to work for classes
41,163. Wal-Mart pick-up
41,164. cookies from Barnett Company!
41,165. Memorial Park
41,166. story trail
41,167. finishing Songs in the Night Challenge
41,168. Kingdomino (and variations) with Carter
41,169. picnic in the park
41,170. remembering homecomings at the shelterhouse
41,171. finished the 1000 piece puzzle!
41,172. not too hut
41,173. listening to Atomic Habits
41,174. showing Carter AR stickers during a no show
41,175. trial classes -- easy prep, easy feedback, sometimes sns, sometimes bonus
41,176. the ability to work from anywhere
41,177. that I'm not getting ready for school right now
41,178. a cornfield country drive
41,179. ice cream!
41,180. student no shows are great in the morning when I'm trying to be quiet
41,181. lessons from the puzzle (zoom out)
41,182. Like the hull of a seed... (Sara Groves song)
41.183. how helpful Carter and Calvin are
41,184. giggles from the littles during naptime
41,185. Cooper joining Colson in the pack and play
41,186. lots of time outside
41,187. bear/ox puppet
41,188. yummy spaghetti squash
41,189. teaching Anna every day this week
41,190. audiobooks on Libby, e-books on Kindle
41,191. exciting part of Animorphs
41,192. hearing Calvin and Cooper sing/hum NIV Kids Club songs hours later
41,193. watching parts of the Democrat National Convention with Mom
41,194. bringing Pokemon for class with Yanick

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