Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Ten Things Tuesday - Calvin 5 years ago

  1. This was taken in the Fall of 2015 when Calvin was 1 1/2. 
  2. I love food-in-the-hair pictures and so-sleepy-I'll-just-sleep-here pictures. This one captures both.
  3. Of the four boys, he's the only one with brown hair as a toddler. Carter's has gotten darker as he has gotten older, but it started white-blond like the youngest two (and like me when I was little).
  4. We still have the same high chair (now occupied by Colson). The cloth cover is back on, but I think we've forever misplaced the straps and buckle (which would come in handy since Colson is starting to wriggle his way into a standing position).
  5. We no longer have that sippy cup, but we do still use those plates that Lucas has had since his bachelor days.
  6. We're a peanut butter family. It goes back to my dad's most frequent request of me, "Mary, bring me the peanut butter and a spoon."
  7. We left Calvin's hair long at this age because it curled in the back. Cooper's is similar, and he still hasn't gotten a haircut at 2 1/2.
  8. Our dining area is carpeted, and it has taken a beating over the years. We would never pick white carpet for a house full of kids. We don't want to replace it until they get older, though.
  9. This is the most common place for the high chair, but we are known to move furniture around frequently. Currently, our table is pulled up to our couch in our living room, so the high chair is over there, too.
  10. It's fun seeing the same toys, furniture, and clothes used by the boys over the years. One side effect of hand-me-downs is the nostalgia factor. "I remember when..."

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