Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Good into Bad/Good from Bad

There's an Enemy of our souls who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He twisted Scripture into temptation for Jesus in the wilderness, so I shouldn't be surprised when he twists good things into temptations for me.  Good things can be easily twisted into pride, idolatry, and arrogance. Meanwhile, God takes the bad circumstances and situations in our lives and brings good out of them. It's up to us to see the good. The obvious biblical example that comes to mind is of Joseph who was left for dead, sold into slavery, falsely accused, and forgotten. But God. His brothers intended to harm him, but God used it for good to accomplish the saving of many lives (Genesis 50:20).  It's easy to wallow in self-pity at the current state of our world, but God is constantly calling me up to see the good. He is at work! He has not abandoned us! He is bringing good out of the hard! Will I open my eyes to see it?

(poems written on 5-16-20)
Good into Bad

There he goes again
    twisting my good into bad
It seems like it happens all the time
    turning a God-given talent
                                        into pride
    turning a spiritual discipline
                                        into a judgment on others
    turning a means of stepping into my calling
                                        into an obsession
    turning my church/ministry-related whatever
                                        into a temptation
It has happened with good things like
    Bible art journaling
    Scripture memorization
    VIPKid (a straight-up blessing from You)
It's so frustrating
I'm disillusioned into thinking
    that the more I seek after You
    the less I'll have to deal with temptation
Should I consider these attacks a compliment?
Should I be flattered?
    No, wait -- that leads to more pride!
The Enemy twisted truth into lies for You, too, 
    trying to use Scripture against You in the wilderness
I should expect these attacks
    instead of letting them take me off guard
Help me put on Your armor
    as I walk in Your footsteps

Good from Bad
There You go again
    bringing good from the bad
        redeeming the broken
When the Enemy intends to
    harm    divide    weaken    break
You intend to bring good
    even out of the worst circumstance
The Enemy set out to harm Joseph
    but You wove good into all the ups and downs of his life
    and it resulted in the saving
                                    of many lives
Through all this COVID craziness
    You are bringing good
        teaching me how to enjoy my family
        bringing the world together
        lifting our eyes off the shifting sands of this world
    and onto the only solid, unchanging One
Praise the Lord!
For I know that my Redeemer lives!
You are constantly bringing good
    from my missteps and inadequacies
    from the evil so prevalent in this world
    from paranoia of pandemic proportions
You are good
    and what You do is good
Teach me Your decrees

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