Sunday, September 27, 2020


My brain feels a little scattered these days. It's hard not to spiral downward in my mind when faced with the combination of the corona virus, upcoming election, and racial tensions. This morning, I decided that when those anxieties start rising, I should let them be a trigger to pray. I can bring my uncertainties, questions, confusions, and doubts to Jesus. He's big enough to handle them, and He's not scared of them. I remember someone telling me late one night in my 20s outside an Applebee's restaurant: "God loves the conversation you're in the middle of right now with Him." If I come to Him and dialogue with Him (in the middle of my mess), He meets me there. I need His peace to guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:7), which happens as I turn my worries into prayers, telling Him what I need and thanking Him for what He has done (Phil 4:6).

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