Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Everyday

There's a lot of "everyday" lately. Another day. Same ol', same ol'. Setting up the pins for knocking them down. I'm trying to enjoy these moments and not wish them away.

(poem written on 11-23-14)

I seek to be grateful
    for the beauty
        in the everyday
People whose kids have grown
    or whose loved ones are gone
        talk about "giving anything"
            for one more story,
                one more phone call
                    one more goodbye
And I think of the times
    I've hurried through stories at bedtime
        or wished away boring days at home
and I am determined
    to revel in the mundane
        to celebrate the ordinary
            and to enjoy every day
            (and to enjoy the everyday)

(poem written on 12-2-14)

Few things delight me more
    than to hear my boys giggle hysterically
It usually begins with Carter
    being in a goofy, ready-to-laugh mood
        and Calvin
    knocking some object onto the floor
One laughs,
    which makes the other laugh,
        which makes the other laugh more.
Three-year-old giggles are cute,
    but baby giggles on top of that --
        sheer delight

Now I hear 2-year-old and 1-year-old giggles! :-)

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