(poem written today! 10-9-20)
5:30 in the morning...
I met my first Chinese student...
I was incredibly nervous and spent way too much time
looking over the slides and
writing out my notes and
gathering props the night before.
I woke up extra early to prepare even more
and collect myself
and make sure everything was in working order
Internet? Check
Teacher Portal? Check
Webcam? Check
Speakers? Check
Microphone? Check
I logged into the classroom, and the countdown began...
With ten seconds to go,
I clicked
(insert happy ukulele and singing voice and nervous smile)
Hello, hello
My name is Teacher Mary
What is your name?
James (his English name, of course)
Nice and easy to pronounce
Happy, eager-to-learn kiddo
A wonderful one-on-one introduction to the beauty of China
Level 2, Unit 5, Learning Cycle 1, Lesson 1
I taught the word [friend]
and the verb [to run]
with the conjugations [She runs. It runs. He runs. I run.]
I taught the high frequency word [we]
and we blended words from the /-ig/ family
dig, mig, big, wig
I taught how to use capital letters for names
25ish minutes later...
I waved goodbye
and said "See you next time!"
and clicked
My heart was racing
but my lingering smile told the story
I. love. this!
1,175 classes
29,375 minutes
412 students
12,406 dollars
and 188 days later...
I'm still at it
and still smiling :-)
Thank You, Jesus, for ...
- the technology to teach kids on the other side of the world from my home,
- the opportunity to contribute to our family's finances,
- the early morning work hours so I can homeschool and be present with our boys during the day,
- the ability to utilize my skills, background, education, and gifts,
- the cultural connection of learning about China through the eyes of its children,
- the safety of breathing only my own air and teaching without a mask or face shield
- the fulfillment of a long-dormant desire to teach in China
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