Saturday, November 28, 2020

Veggie Straws on Thanksgiving

You prepare a table before me
    GrubHub has nothing on my mother-in-law
    She made a Thanksgiving feast with all the fixin's 
        turkey, ham
        mashed potatoes
        green beans
        cooked apples
        deviled eggs
        lemon pound cake and chocolate earthquake cake        

in the midst of all humanity's current enemy
-- the coronavirus
    and delivered it to our door
       for each family unit to eat separately
       because of a recent exposure to the virus
            that left us all quarantining

My cup overflows...
    Not with extended family in person
        but connected via technology
        and eating together, but separately, the same menu
        lovingly prepared

So why do I find myself,
    as I portion out the food for the six of us,
        grabbing for the stray veggie straws on the counter?
        It's -4 minutes until our Thanksgiving feast
            and I'm busy eating a snack

I tell the boys not to eat right before dinner
    so they don't lose their appetite
        and here I am...

These random happenings throughout my days
    often have spiritual parallels
                                and principles underneath
            if I let the Lord speak

I thought of the FEAST set before me, spiritually,
            and how I often settle for veggie straws --
                the quick
                    temporary satisfiers
                     and instant gratifiers
               those empty calories
                    and lesser pleasures clamoring for my attention
If I will discipline myself
    to sit at the table for the feast,
        I will leave full and satisfied
Or I can take the easy road of veggie straws
    and not have any appetite left
        for the feast that has been lovingly prepared
            for me

You, Father, bring me to the banqueting house (Song of Solomon 2:4)
    and prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies (Psalm 23:5)

Will I choose veggie straws 
                or Thanksgiving feast?

(poem written 11-28-20)

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Magnify Him with Thanksgiving

It was a dreary morning, outside and inside. One brother accidentally kicked another while flipping over the couch, which led to hitting which led to crying. Another brother hit a different brother (I know, so many brothers!). And one boy declared he “hates school,” which is hard not to take personally when you’re homeschooling. 

It was Bible time. I was tempted to skip it because everyone was grumpy, and I didn’t have anything planned anyway. A friend reminded me last night on the phone, though, to be faithful to open the Word of God with our kids every day, never knowing when there will be a breakthrough.

I told the big boys to look up “thanksgiving” in the concordances of their Bibles, and Calvin chose this verse:

"I will praise the name of God with a song; 
I will magnify him with thanksgiving.” 
-Psalm 69:30

What does “magnify” make you think of? 

Magnets! (not exactly what I was going for)

I re-directed them to how magnifying glasses make things look bigger.  We talked about how we can’t make God bigger since He is already so big. BUT, we can make Him bigger in our eyes and in our priorities. 

The thought came to me to have the boys make a tiny pinhole circle with one hand to look at our Christmas tree. It reminds me of the line from the song "I have made You too small in my eyes. O Lord, forgive me."

As we thank Him, we magnify Him. I had the boys expand their hand circle to be able to see more of the tree. The tree itself did not change, but our perception did. We still couldn't see the whole tree ("for we know in part" -1 Corinthians 13:9a), but thanksgiving expanded our vision. 

So, friends, this Thanksgiving, "magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!" (Psalm 34:3). When our thanksgiving is not just a generic gratitude but directed toward the Source of "every good and perfect gift" (James 1:17), we magnify Him.  Our eyes widen in awe. "The things of earth grow strangely dim...when we turn our eyes upon Jesus."

And later this morning when tempted to grumble about the rain keeping us indoors, we busted out the umbrellas and I sang in the rain instead:

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Your exam treats are waiting in your dad's office

(poem written on 11-20-20 after observing an interaction between a graduating senior and his mama)

A bit disheveled,
    his eyes weary from lack of sleep
    his backpack weighing down his shoulders (and mind)
        with looming projects and passing deadlines
    his words expressing the worry and stress of "not enough" --
        not enough money
        not enough time
        not enough emotional bandwidth for all the goodbyes

Did you pick up your exam treats?

He said his schedule is booked solid
    from the time he wakes up
    until he lays his head down, exhausted
Places to go
Things to accomplish
People to see
    and the time left in the semester is running out

Your exam treats are in your dad's office
You should try to get them today

(Little does he know
    that there are treats!, chocolate!, and money!
        waiting for him
            if he will only make the time to pick them up)

And I think about my own disheveled self and my own chaotic day
    rushing from thing
                    to thing
                    to person
                    to task
                    to mess-to-clean-up
                    to toddler-to-console
                    to argument-to-mediate
And all the while
    there are "exam treats"
        waiting in my heavenly Father's "office"
They've been there all along
    but I was too busy yesterday to stop by

I complain
    about the chaos
    and the stress
    and the to-do lists...
    (or maybe it's just that the busyness has just caused me to forget)
        ...that taking the time
                to go to my Father
                    will bring the peace
                                  and joy that I'm craving

Press pause on the never-ending checklist
Treasures in His Word are waiting...

Will I take the time to stop by today?

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” -Matthew 11:28-30

Taste and see that the Lord is good;
    blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. -Psalm 34:8

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Lord, our God, to Thee we raise this, our hymn of grateful praise...
42,349. sweatshirts on chilly mornings 
42,350. chili in the crockpot on chilly days
42,351. able to stay safe at home
42,352. The Case for Faith
42,353. the flexibility in my days
42,354. looking forward to catching up with Barbara
42,355. not dependent on government or school board to tell me when school is open
42,356. ability to shop online
42,357. found a Luke 2 ESV song
42,358. a break in classes
42,359. Ticket to Ride from the library
42,360. warm cookie dough
42,361. meeting Dre's brother Derrion
42,362. neighbor connections at a distance
42,363. boys entertaining themselves
42,364. all 4 flipping over the couch in fits of laughter
42,365. tree hasn't been knocked over yet! 
42,367. a God who walks with me
42,368. logic games
42,369. Christmas lights help bring cheer
42,370. progress with vaccines
42,371. Cooper spontaneously bursting into song
42,372. following the routine
42,373. extended reading time with little boys today
42,374. re-discovering books we haven't read in awhile
42,375. hikes and walks as a family

42.376. the patterns on our stockings

42,377. brother conversations

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Ten Things Tuesday - apple orchard

1. Coordinating outfits was way easier when we had only two boys.
2. I love fall!
3. The clouds look happy in this picture. :-)
4. This was our first time at the orchard where we didn't play on all the slides and swings and such. It was open, but there were too many people, and it looked too stressful.
5. The "r brothers" (Carter, Cooper) are wearing plaid. The "n brothers" (Calvin, Colson) are in stripes. This wasn't intentional -- there were limited options that fit, so it just worked out that way.
6. We've never visited the cows before, but the boys loved it. We probably stayed there for 10 minutes. Yes, the boys did moo at them, and yes, the cows responded with moos of their own.
7. Colson is trying so hard to be big.
8. We still got apple cider donuts and apple cider slushies.
9. Going to the apple orchard as a family was always a favorite part of the fall season as a child. There weren't fancy slides or corn mazes, but we got apples and carmel apples.
10. "Carmel" is apparently spelled wrong, according to this website. I pronounce it "carmel," not "caramel." 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thankful Thursday

42,252. hearing the squeals of the big boys playing outside together
42,253. the little boys taking longer-than-usual naps
42,254. tweezers
42,255. You satisfy me more than the richest of foods
42,256. re-connecting with friends and acquaintances
42,257. looking forward to a camp zoom call
42,258. pomegranate seeds
42,259. lasagna for dinner already prepped
42,260. the flexibility of homeschooling life
42,261. finishing a quick graphic novel 
42,262. Scripture memory connections
42,263. David Platt's sermon on fearing God
42,264. looking forward to family time tonight
42,265. heat in our home
42,266. the boys learning to close the front door quietly
42,267. firming up some holiday plans
42,268. Bible time at the table this morning
42,269. Cooper singing "You are my sunshine"
42,270. the portability of the keyboard
42,271. carrots
42,272. seeing Tracy again this morning
42,273. Carter's quirky habits
42,274. Calvin excited about acquiring more of Daddy's magazines
42,275. boys completing their checklists without complaint
42,276. listening to boys plunk away at the piano
42,277. choosing to be less irritable instead of expecting others to be less irritating
42,278. a load of laundry done!
42,279. "I Rille Love Mary" posted on my wall as a reminder

Psalm Song Options

If you know anything about my Scripture memory journey, you know that I prefer and encourage memorizing with song.  There are many great Scr...