“You’re inspiring!”
When folks have said this to me (regarding Scripture memory), sometimes I have the guts to turn it back on them and say, “So, what are YOU going to memorize?” We, as Christians, are often “inspired,” but then we just tend to stay inspired— looking to others with a “wow” without looking to ourselves with a “what can I do?”
If you are inspired, I challenge you to be inspiring to someone else. Some of you have already dismissed this with the thought of
“I’m not very inspiring.”
Or, regarding Scripture memory,
“I’m too old to memorize”
or “I don’t have the time”
or “I’m not very good at memorizing.”
To all of those excuses, I say, “Hogwash!”
It is through the act of memorizing that we become better at it. If you have a bad memory, and/or if you are getting older, memorizing is exactly what you need to do to improve your memory and get those synapses firing in your brain!
Memorizing through song also refutes those excuses—how many jingles and song lyrics have you memorized through the years without even trying? Yet do you ever think to yourself “I don’t have time to listen to music”? No—you listen to music as you’re doing something else. I listen to Scripture songs while I’m washing the dishes or driving around town. And then once I’ve learned them, I can review my verses in my mind while walking or getting ready in the morning or changing a diaper. Scripture memory is assimilated into my normal, everyday life. Sure, it takes some sit-down effort, too, but most of my memory "work" is done while I'm doing something else.
As far as being an inspiration, you don’t have to memorize a book of the Bible to be an inspiration. What if, by this time next year, you could be an inspiration to someone else by saying:
- I've never memorized Scripture as an adult until 2021
- I had only memorized sporadic verses without a systematic plan until 2021
- I've never had a good memory, but I was able to memorize fill-in-the-blank in 2021
- I thought I was too old to memorize Scripture, but I memorized an entire psalm in 2021
- I decided that I would memorize what my kids were learning for school or church or AWANA in 2021
- I thought I was too busy, but I made time to memorize a verse every month in 2021
- I don't even read the Bible much, but I started memorizing it in 2021 (this was me in 2015, by the way, and Scripture memory was the catalyst for opening my heart toward the Word of God like never before!)
- I never thought I could memorize a whole book of the Bible, but I did it in 2021
- I decided to go big and join Mary in memorizing the first half of Romans in 2021
- I didn't accomplish my "goal," but I memorized more than I did last year
INSPIRING, I tell ya!
So really, my challenge to YOU (yes, you!) is to take the next step in Scripture memory, whether it's:
- choosing a passage to memorize over the course of the year (like the armor of God, Beatitudes, or Ephesians 3 prayer)
- choosing a chapter (like Romans 8) or a psalm to memorize (some of my favorites are Psalm 34, 40, 103, and 139). Sons of Korah and The Corner Room are just some of the amazing artists who have put melodies to word-for-word psalms.
- choosing a book to memorize (Philemon has 25 verses, Titus has 46, James has 108)
- (you can also, of course, choose individual verses and just do one or two every month, but I think it is helpful to have a plan in place or a theme in mind. I started out this way with my first memory project in 2015, so I know there's value to it, but I recommend passages, chapters, or books)
My last post was how I memorize. A couple of my tips involve things that I can help with -- accountability and songs. I have a Facebook group where like-minded folks can post videos or written updates of their monthly progress. I'm also happy to check in with you via e-mail (or in person whenever that happens again!) on your progress to coach you along the way. I can also help find or even write songs for you in the translation you prefer. Please let me know how I can help or if you want to join our Facebook group! Helping others take steps in their Scripture memory journey is part of my spiritual calling.
You've got the last half of the month of December to pray through and think through what Scripture memory challenge you're willing to tackle in 2021. Then go on record and tell someone. Make a plan. Write it out. Add an app. Find (or write!) some songs.
Don't just be inspired. Be inspiring in 2021! :-)
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