Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Ten Things Tuesday - Pizza Picnic

  1. This picture makes me so happy! Colson shoveling that pizza into his mouth -- ha!
  2. For several years now, we have eaten pizza as a family every Friday night. We call it "Pizza Family Movie Night," but we don't always watch a movie. We rotate between ordering pizza and making pizza (or cooking a frozen pizza). Our go-to is Domino's since we all like it, it is affordable, and it is close to our house.
  3. Since it was Friday, we stopped by to get a pizza on our way to a park. Daddy was working, which worked out because he doesn't really like Little Caesars pizza.
  4. Drive-through hot-and-ready pizza is as convenient as they come! 
  5. We are all about pajama pants and mismatched clothes! 
  6. Carter's favorite toppings are pepperoni and pineapple.
  7. The other boys prefer cheese (for now). 
  8. Cooper goes back and forth about whether or not he likes pizza. He's usually excited to go pick it up. "Pizza! Yay! Yummy pizza!" but then 20 minutes will refuse to eat any pizza and says, "I don't yike pizza!" On this particular day, he ate two whole pieces by himself.
  9. Calvin likes "the triangle pizza" (not thin crust), but he doesn't like to eat the crust on the end. That part usually goes to Colson or me.
  10. As I write this on a chilly day in December, I miss days when we could go to the parks comfortably without coats.

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