Friday, December 25, 2020

White Christmas

(poem written this early snowy Christmas morning before anyone else is awake)

Of all the songs she could request
Memaw chose “White Christmas”
... “just like the ones I used to know”
I fumbled through the words
    as I thought through the rarity of a white Christmas
        in Indiana where I grew up
        and even more so in Kentucky where my kids are growing up
Yet this year You did it, God
You blanketed our streets and yards with snow
    as a little gift after the hard year we’ve all had
    some “merry and bright” to add to our “masks and social distancing”

As I drove the slick streets to pick up
    the cheese and strawberries and milk in our grocery order,
        I was thinking of this gift 
            You were giving Lexington this year
                and I was thankful
            And almost in the same breath,
                I realized just how treacherous this two-mile trip would be
                    when I slowed down at an intersection...
                    ...and kept going
            I passed wrecks and sirens
                and prayed and praised my way to Wal-Mart and back
And I realized that a White Christmas brought with it a choice: 
        gratitude or grumbling    
        joy or complaint 
Many would see this gift of snow and be thankful
while many would only have eyes for the negative of what snow can bring

This Christmas morning...
I don’t want grumbling to take up any space in my thoughts or words
This Christmas...
I CHOOSE gratitude
I CHOOSE wonder...
...the wonder of a God who came near into a world  of grumblers
...the wonder of a God who delights in reaching into His storehouses of snow to give us 
        a white Christmas

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