Inevitably, with a post where lots of folks are sharing their Scripture memory goals for the year, comparison can and will rear its ugly head in two ways:
- the insecurity of "Man, I'm not memorizing as much as that person! What's wrong with me?"
- the pride of, "Whoa, look at me! I'm able to memorize much more than these people!"
1. We have an Enemy who seeks to "steal, kill, and destroy" (John 10:10) and would like nothing more than to discourage you from the practice of Scripture memory or to puff you up with pride at your accomplishments. When tempted to quit because you're not doing what others are doing, don't let the Enemy win! He wants to create a wedge between you and God and between you and fellow believers in any way he can. Let this light a fire under you to press on!
2. Call it what it is -- comparison is sin. Though these tempting thoughts are not sin in and of themselves, when we entertain them and agree with them, they become sin. We don't talk a lot about covetousness, even though it's one of the ten commandments. Along with not coveting "your neighbor's house...your neighbor's wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey (Exodus 20:17)," don't be greedy of others' goals and progress. And on the flip side, "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble (James 4:6)," so instead of puffing up with pride, thank the Giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17) who has given you the ability and desire to memorize.
3. We are all in this together! Heather Holleman, in her book Seated with Christ: Living Freely in a Culture of Comparison, unpacks the picture of being seated together at a round table with the greatest King, each with our unique part to play in the advancement of the Kingdom. Together, we are "created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10)." We can be secure in the good works God has prepared in advance for each of us to do. My good works may look nothing like yours, and that's okay. We don't have to fight for a seat at the table. We belong. We can celebrate others' successes, without feeling inferior or superior.
"Comparison is the thief of joy."
-Theodore Roosevelt
Let's not be robbed of any joy this year, friends!
Let's cheer each other on, confident in who God made us to be
and in what He has uniquely called and equipped us to do!
270+ of my friends (and friends of friends) are committing to take a step forward in their Scripture memory journey during 2021! This is soooo exciting and an answer to prayer!
Most of you will be posting in our Facebook group, but if for whatever reason you are not on Facebook, you can also join in by reading these encouragement posts every Sunday afternoon and checking in during the last week of the month.
To be entered in this month's giveaway (5 winners of a $20 Chick-Fil-A gift card), you need to post a comment in our Facebook group OR on this blog post with the following three things before midnight January 31st:
1. Scripture memory goal for 2021.
Here's a post on the different types of Scripture memory goals
and on setting a S.M.A.R.T. Scripture memory goal.
If you still don't know, I'd suggest the goal of one or two verses per month.
2. What verse(s) you memorized this month.
Some of you are brand new to the challenge,
but you could still totally memorize a verse by the end of the month!
3. Verification of your memory work in one of two ways:
either post a video of your recitation from memory (can be in a separate post)
OR list the first name of the person you recited your verse(s) to.
If you choose the second option,
please wait to post until you have already done this!
(past tense - I recited...,
not future tense - I will recite...)
I will begin with my example in the first comment.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Happy memorizing!
1. Romans 1-8 ESV
ReplyDelete2. Romans 1:1-32
3. I recited to my husband Lucas
1. Matthew 5-7 NIV 1978
ReplyDelete2. Matthew 5:1-12
3. I recited it to my wife, my dearest