Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Make it a Duet

Make it a Duet
The dark thought
    began to paralyze
        Daniel Striped Tiger
            so he voiced it to Lady Aberlin
                and brought it into the light:
        "Sometimes I I wonder 
            if I'm a mistake...
        I'm not like anyone else...
        I'm not supposed to be scared, am I?"
Lady Aberlin sang truth
    into his frailty:
        "I think you are just fine
            as you are...
        I like who you're becoming...
        You are my friend...
        It's really true...I like you."

My first assumption
    was that Daniel Striped Tiger would be convinced
        and suddenly perk up
            as a result of her re-assurance

But convincing and assuring and truth-grounding
    aren't always that easy or quick

Daniel keeps singing
    "Sometimes I wonder
        if I'm a mistake..."
                    but this time
                    it becomes a duet
                    and Lady Aberlin
                    sings her truth
                    over his fears
                            "I think you are just fine
                                as you are..."

They sing back-and-forth like that
    Doubts - Truth
    Fear - Re-assurance
        in tandem

Instead of Daniel spiraling in his own thoughts,
    he made it a duet.

And that sums up
    a lot of where I find myself
Although my worries are different than Daniel's,
    I still have
        Dark thoughts
        Debilitating spirals

Sometimes I make a conscious break
    and bring these thoughts into the light
        so God can speak His truth into these places
Like Daniel, I'm not easily convinced,
    but I've resolved to make it a duet.

This back-and-forth melody
    between me and my Maker
        who knows me better than I know myself
        and can see the big picture of who I'm becoming
            (and He likes what He sees!)
        and sings over me, "It's really true...I like you,"
This back-and-forth melody --

Doubts - Truth
Fear - Re-assurance
    in tandem
    as a back-and-forth duet

until I believe it enough

(until I believe HIM enough)

    to sing in unison with Him

(poem written 1-27-21 after watching the "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" documentary)

Here's the full song:

And here's the clip from the documentary about it (starting at about the 1 minute mark):

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