Thursday, January 28, 2021

Thankful Thursday - SNOW

Lord my God, to Thee I raise this my hymn of grateful praise...

43,294. evening snow
43,295. how snow glows at night
43,296. 2 1/2 hour date with minimal crying
43,297. trying out Happy Sushi
43,298. playing Sushi Go
43,299. Chosen - episode with Peter fishing
43,300. cleaning the kitchen
43,301. phone chat with Katie
43,302. enough snow for snow cream!
43,303. no school! (because when you're homeschooling, you can make those decisions)
43,304. boys playing together after dinner
43,305. some time to myself
43,306. FB group for my high school class
43,307. walking down memory lane
43,308. thankful for my high school and hometown
43,309. how You’re weaving together my background, relationships, skills, and experiences for Your glory
43,310. watching the video of the Big 3 brothers meeting their littlest brother in the hospital
43,311. Psalm 16 song from The Corner Room
43,312. BSF notes—always so good!
43,313. morning reading time together

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