Monday, January 4, 2021

Lexington Parks - Meadowbrook Park

(Carter likes to try to block the sign; I try to tell him that that defeats the purpose. 
Mini Carter is now doing it, too).

Meadowbrook Park (372 Harvard Lane) 
Location -  off Wilson Downing, between Nicholasville Rd and Tates Creek
Playground? yes
Trails? yes (unpaved)
Other? creek, shelter, baseball field

Daddy joined us for the park this day! This was the park where Calvin shouted, "I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!" even though we didn't even get near the playground. We had been to the playground during our last city tour of the parks but hadn't ventured past it.  On this day, we followed the creek. Like many parks in Lexington, there is a skinny stretch of park that runs alongside a creek. 

[Update: we returned in January to be able to go on the playground. Pictures are at the bottom]


...and happy! Oh, the changing emotions of a two-year-old!

Proud of himself for climbing a small hill

This is where the skinny path opened up into a grassy field with some old logs to climb around on.

Let's skip the splashing in puddles and just stand in one...

At least he's happy!

Oh, the curly slide!

This was a fun playground to play "Don't-let-Mom-Mom-catch-you."

He's growing in confidence!

This would not be my kind of tennis court -- it's fenced around the back but not in the middle. All my tennis balls would end up in the creek!

(Note: We have visited 40+ parks in Lexington since the beginning of Covid. These are not meant to be extensive reviews but more a record of our experiences. Eventually I will add hyperlinks to all the blog entries here) 

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