Friday, February 19, 2021

Lexington Parks - Mary Todd

(yes, there are only 3 boys at the sign -- the other one didn't want to leave the rock in the background)

Mary Todd Park (525 Rogers Road) 
Location - off Paris Pike, adjacent to Mary Todd Elementary
Playground? yes (one at the playground, one at the school)
Trails? yes (paved)
Other? basketball court, baseball field

    We spent a considerable amount of time at this park. When we arrived, the main park playground was occupied, so we walked across the street to the playground at Mary Todd Elementary. We had a ball in the van, so they played here awhile.

That tongue action!

Climbing boys!

My mom would say, "You're making Mimi nervous!"

Then, we headed back to the main park area and walked on the path that crossed the creek. It reminded us a bit of the bridge and creek at Wellington Park.

The big boys making up new games like "How far can you jump?" Oh, the creativity that has come from Covid days!

The playground was still occupied, so I made up a soccer game using the posts from this scoreboard as our goal. I'm pretty sure I won, thanks to my middle school soccer days!

The little boys played by the wagon, and then we all had a snack. The sky was so pretty this evening!

Someone always ends up crying...

Here we are, wondering if the people playing at the playground will ever leave. It's so weird to be avoiding people so much during these Covid days.

Finally -- it's ours!

This was a fun little train area that we haven't seen at any other parks.

This was one of those playgrounds where I could relax without worrying too much about the little boys -- they could navigate the slides by themselves, and there weren't many high openings. This also meant that it was a good park to play Carter and Calvin's favorite game of having me chase them. "You have to tag us each 5 times before we go." This playground was set up well for that game, and through trickery and my awesome speed (ha!), I was able to tag them enough that we could go home.

This is what I call "the snurl" (which I realized just now after trying to look it up that it is not actually a word)

There's a smile!

4 boys, a playground, and a sunset

(Note: We have visited 50+ parks in Lexington since the beginning of Covid (and plan to visit the rest by March 2021). These are not meant to be extensive reviews but more a record of our experiences. Eventually I will add hyperlinks to all the blog entries here) 

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