Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Ten Things - the grabber arm

Ten Things:
  1. This picture is from Calvin's birthday 5 years ago, back when he was turning two.
  2. One of Mimi and Pa's gifts for him was a "grabber arm" because he liked using Pa's.
  3. All four boys still love wearing mis-matched clothes.
  4. Matching pajamas are super cute, but it just rarely happens around here.
  5. Actually, pajamas rarely happen around here -- the boys sleep in the same clothes they wear during the day.
  6. A different canvas is hanging over the mantel.
  7. I don't know why the boys' pictures aren't hanging up next to the canvas. That's been our "spot" for 8x10 pictures for a long time.
  8. That hedgehog lunchbox served us well over the years.
  9. Another gift there on the couch is a growling tiger book that we still have. (Calvin was born into a love for tigers, partly because of his name).
  10. I would like to have my own "grabber arm" to pick up trash we see on our walks and park visits.

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