Sunday, February 28, 2021

When I Feel Like It and When I Don't

When I feel like it
    and when I don't,
        I will praise You

You are worthy of my praise
    regardless of my mood
       or my circumstances 
It may feel rainy
    and cloudy
        but the sun has not stopped shining

Sometimes it's pure joy
    to memorize Scripture
and other times,
    it's a discipline --
        putting in the time day by day
        moving forward step by step
        strengthening my muscles
        renewing my mind        
        learning new rhythms
        continuing with repetitions
            even when it feels...repetitious
        persevering through the hills and valleys
        memorizing on the sunny and rainy days of my heart
This is when the habit-forming
    isn't as exciting as it was on Day One
This is when it'd be easy to skip a day
    and then another
    and then a month
    and I'll look back and wonder how I got off track

You are worthy of my efforts
    regardless of my mood
        or my circumstances

So I keep plowing the ground
    of hiding Your Word in my heart
        when it's easy
            and when it's not
        when it's joy-filled
            and when it's not
        when I'm doing well
            and when I'm not
        when I feel like it 
            and when I don't

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Psalm Song Options

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