Sunday, March 7, 2021

Veterans Park - tank, playground

    As a "Veterans Park," there are memorials scattered throughout the park from different wars. There's also a tank prominently displayed at the entrance. There's a tank at the Thomson-Hood Veterans Center in Wilmore, but it has a sign that says no climbing. Here at Veterans Park, the boys are free to climb and explore. 
    There are also two small playgrounds -- one near a baseball field and one on the paved trail, accessible from Rockbridge Rd. We haven't played extensively at either one, so I don't have great pictures yet.

(Here are my other Veterans Park posts about the trails and the creek.)

This is the playground from the Rockbridge Rd parking lot

In addition to the two playgrounds, there are some stand-alone play features along one of the paved walking paths (there's this rock and a swing and a climber)

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