Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter-themed Scripture Songs

Happy Easter!

He is Risen!

What a thought to be united with believers all over the world and all through history! As I was trying to think of Easter-themed Scripture songs, I realized that I didn't know many! There are several songs that reference Jesus' death and resurrection, but there aren't many of the actual narrative. We learned Mark 15:34 last summer as part of the Bible Bee Summer Study, which resulted in Calvin singing "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani" on repeat for days and days.  :-)  Eventually, I plan on learning the book of John, so by the time I'm finished, I'll have Scripture songs for the whole narrative of Jesus' life!

In the meantime, here are some great songs to listen to and to memorize as we continue to celebrate Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection:

A Living Hope (1 Peter 1:3-4, ESV) - Josh and Kirsten Shive
    This one is excellent!  I'm thankful that, through Jesus' death and resurrection, we are born again to a living hope!

Forever (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17, NIV) - Truth Songs
    This is one of my favorite Scripture songs to listen to. Zander and Janine always put together awesome Scripture songs in the NIV with tight harmonies. This one mentions Jesus' death and resurrection but also His second coming and the resurrection of believers. 

Christ Died For Us (Romans 5:6-8, NIV) - Truth Songs

    This one climaxes with the familiar verse about God demonstrating His love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

Eternal Life (John 3:16) - Seeds Family Worship

    This is the version our boys have learned to memorize John 3:16. Even our 22-month-old knows it!

Savior (1 John 4:14, ESV) - Seeds Family Worship
    Calvin had to learn this verse for AWANA and learned how to spell "Savior" in the process!

The Perfect Example (John 13:12-17, ESV) - Seeds Family Worship
    This is one of the few narrative songs from Holy Week that I could find. It's from the Last Supper when Jesus washed His disciples' feet. I sang part of this during our dinner on Maundy Thursday this year.

Ephesians 2:1-7, ESV - Melodically Memorizing

     Man, I love this song! It doesn't specifically reference the cross, but it builds from how we were dead in our transgressions to Christ making us alive.  It is a powerful song!


    Here's a song I adapted from The Walking Bible to help our boys memorize this passage about how Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.

    This isn't a Scripture song, but it is the way we memorized the Apostles' Creed.  This morning as we were getting ready for our home-church Easter service, we were talking about Jesus rising from the dead on Easter, which prompted our 3-year-old to start singing this song.  It is very much related to Easter and well worth memorizing!

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