Saturday, January 1, 2022

All our 2021 Audiobooks

We love audiobooks! 
Here's a post with our 5 favorites from the year (also denoted on this list with an asterisk*), but I wanted a record of all the ones we listened to in 2021.

Whatever After series - can you tell we like this series? Each one is a fractured fairy tale that Abby and her brother Jonah mess up and then try to fix.  The covers look super girly, but the boys really like the stories.  These were a good stretch for us because we had previously blazed through the A-Z Mysteries which are about 45 minutes long.  These books are about 3 hours, so they helped increase our stamina.  We only have one more "special", and the next one comes out in April!  Fantastic job by the narrator, too.
  • #3 Sink or Swim
  • #4 Dream On
  • #5 Bad Hair Day
  • #6 Cold as Ice
  • #7 Beauty Queen
  • #8 Once Upon a Frog
  • #9 Genie in a Bottle
  • #10 Sugar and Spice
  • #11 Two Peas in a Pod
  • #12 Seeing Red
  • #13 Spills the Beans
  • #14 Good as Gold
  • Special #2 Abby in Oz
Mouse and the Motorcycle series - I'm not a huge fan of animal stories, but the boys really liked these.
  • #1 Mouse and the Motorcycle*
  • #2 Runaway Ralph
  • #3 Ralph S. Mouse
Wild Robot series - listened to this on the way to Louisiana.  I had started and abandoned this book awhile ago but ended up loving it as an audiobook.
  • #1 Wild Robot
  • #2 Wild Robot Escapes
  • Cricket in Times Square
  • Charlotte's Web
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • A Long Walk to Water*
  • When Stars are Scattered*

First in the Series - Ninja Kid and Ricky Ricotta are both series that the boys enjoy reading, but we also listened to some of the audio versions, which are fun.  I loved The Green Ember, but I'm probably going to have to read it again because I can get a little distracted while listening.  I liked the audio version had the narrator singing, "It will not be so in the Mended Wood..."  We'll probably listen to other Grandma's Attic books.  Stand-alone stories from times gone by with spiritual principles tied in.
  • Ninja Kid #1
  • Ricky Ricotta #1
  • The Green Ember
  • Grandma's Attic #1
  • Hoboken Chicken Emergency
  • Fortunately, the Milk
  • Princess Cora and the Crocodile
Mysteries - we tried several different mysteries this year but didn't found a well-loved replacement for the A-Z Mystery series. I loved Boxcar Children books as a kid, but they're so boring to me as an adult. I can barely handle them. Calvin loves them, though, and enjoys listening to them while he does dinner clean-up.
  • Boxcar Children #26 - Mystery of the Mixed-Up Zoo
  • Boxcar Children #13 - Snowbound Mystery
  • Cam Jansen - Mystery Writer
  • KK Undercover Cookie Caper
  • Basil of Baker Street
Narwhal and Jelly series - the audio versions of these are pretty fun, but I prefer the actual books.
  • #1 Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea
  • #2 Super Narwhal and Jelly Jolt
  • #3 Peanut Butter and Jelly
  • #4 Narwhal's Best Friend
  • #5 Happy Narwhalidays
 Animorphs series - I've read about 10 of this series; Carter has read way more.  We like the audiobooks okay, but they're kind of long.

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