Sunday, February 19, 2012

I would feel better if...

Lately, I've been experiencing a bit of the blahs. I don't know what my deal is, but I keep thinking that I'll feel better if...(fill in the blank), but even when I do those things, I still feel unsettled. Here's my ever-growing list of things that I think will make me feel better.

  • if I could get more sleep (but then when I do get more sleep, I sleep in and then am rushed getting ready)

  • if I could be early to work (but when I am, I am no more productive than if I arrive right on time)

  • if I could be more productive at work (but even when I am productive, I feel like there are so many MORE fun things to do the next day!)

  • if I could slow down and take a breather during my lunch time (but my brain doesn't stop, and I become more flustered)

  • if I could spend more time with friends (but when I do, I still feel unaccomplished at the end of the day)

And I realize, like a women's retreat speaker said years ago, that this could be a sign that I'm "thirsty". Jesus alone can satisfy this restlessness, this mind-racing, this always-needing-to-do-something-more. And even though it's hard to find the time to sit down and quiet my mind to BE with Him, it's what my soul is longing for.

And, with a day off work tomorrow, maybe I'll be able to do just that!

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