Monday, October 26, 2020

The Straight, Level Path

Oh, how I prefer the straight, level path! This is one of my favorite places to walk in town because of the wide, even, straight, tree-lined walkway.  Different Scriptures come to mind -- asking God to lead us on a level path (Psalm 27:11) and trusting in the Lord, knowing that He will make our paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6). The straight, level path makes it easier to pull the wagon, and there are fewer tripping hazards...

...but my boys preferred a different path the last time we were there. They chose to explore "off-road" and climb the dirt hills on the side. Now, to be sure, there are negative spiritual parallels to getting off-track and finding yourself in the weeds, but as I watched them struggle and conquer, I thought of the value of the hard path.

When Colson was first learning to walk, we praised every effort to stand, first by holding onto something and then free-standing without any help. We counted the seconds that he stood before toppling over. 

After perfecting the standing part, we started helping him take steps. We would remove any obstacle in the path and make it as easy for him as possible. And, lo and behold, we have a walker!

We no longer praise his ability to stand by himself.
We no longer remove every obstacle in his path.

So, as tempted as I was to keep him on the easy, paved path, I let him climb with his brothers... 

...which meant he needed help, 

...and it often resulted in tears

...and he got all dirty

...and he got tangled up (hmm...remind you of letting go of the "sin that so easily entangles" from Hebrews 12?)

 ...but...that's how you learn. The sense of victory comes after the uphill battle...
(by the way, this is Cooper, the two-year-old. The one-year-old made it to the top, too, but I didn't take a picture, probably because I needed my hands free to make sure he didn't fall!).

When my boys were learning how to walk, I tried to make it easy for them -- removing the obstacles in the way, holding their hand any time there was a chance they'd fall, making the path level and straight... 

But now, as the parent of walkers, my role has changed. I want to challenge them with 
and rocks 
and dirt 
and vines. 

When they fall on their faces, I brush off the dirt and help them back on their feet.
When they are tempted to quit, I encourage them and show them the next step.
When they need help, I'm right there. I was never far away.
When they succeed, I celebrate their victory as my own.

And through it all, I get a glimpse of a Father in heaven who is 
much more strong
much more compassionate
much more wise

and I imagine Him saying something like this...

Yes, child, sometimes I make your paths straight and level, but if you are to be as "surefooted as a deer" (Psalm 18:33), you'll have to climb on the rocks sometimes. To "pass through the waters" (Isaiah 43:2), you're going to need to get your sea legs. My desire is not to cripple you but to make you stronger. My goal is not for you to remain in the comfort of what has already been conquered but rather to "let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:4). The way is not easy, for "in this world you will have trouble" (John 16:33).  But, know this: just as you walk alongside your sons through the hills and the valleys, over the obstacles and the level paths, so I walk with you. 

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
    and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,
    and the flame shall not consume you.
-Isaiah 43:2

I still like the straight, level path on our walks and in my life, but I'm realizing that, deep down, I want...
growth over mediocrity
with Him over easy
coming-out-stronger-after-all-the-challenges-of-this-year over straight and level.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Aunts and Uncles and Cousins, Oh My!

Do you have a brother? Do you have a sister?

The questions were simple enough. My three-year-old Chinese student had already answered the questions herself (although she was a little confused and said she had one sister in her family because she is a sister). To practice asking the questions, she asked me, half a world away, as I stared at her lovable face through my computer. And then I had her ask her mom, who was sitting beside her.  "Mom, do you have a brother? Do you have a sister?" Nope -- she's an only child. I interjected and asked if her husband had any siblings. He doesn't, either.

And what that means is that my sweet, smiley student doesn't have any aunts or uncles or cousins.  That's hard for me to imagine. I am blessed to have... 
  • 11 aunts and uncles [Grace, Ron, Dan, Loni, Lois, Paul, Lisa, Doug, Jennifer, Dennis, Jenny] 
  • 19 first cousins [David, Mark, Nathan, Sarah, Annie, Liliet, Jacquie, Alex, Daniel, Lauren, Rachel, Phil, Alex, Ben, Peter, Michelle, Beth, Steph, Chris (and let's go ahead and count Josh, Emily, Caleb, and Hannah although they are technically "first cousins once removed")]
Our connections, during my childhood and in the present day, vary. I spent every Sunday night of my growing-up years with my mom's side of the family at Grandma's house. These memories are filled with jell-o and Little Debbie snacks and a Schwinn exercise bike. On the other hand, I would see my dad's side of the family on the yearly road trips to Chicago or the less-frequent trips to New York. Possibly my favorite memory from these visits was the ever-popular White Elephant gift exchange (What treasures had Grace and Lois collected for us this time?). I'm grateful that both sets of grandparents were able to have more than one child and chose to give ME (years later), the gift of aunts, uncles, and cousins.  It's something I assumed everyone had.

The most I see of any of my relatives these days is via Facebook. The cousins have grown up and are all as busy with their lives as I am with mine.  So, what remains? My four grandparents are all gone, but they've left a spiritual heritage.  They were faithful to each other and faithful to God. They laid a foundation for me to one day live out my own faith in Jesus.  And now I'm doing my part so that my grandchildren have the gift of aunts (well, maybe through marriage!), uncles, and cousins. More than that, though, I pray that they, too, will walk in step with their grandparents and great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents as they choose to follow Jesus themselves.      

So, aunt, uncle, cousin of mine...whatever connection we've had, whether close or distant, whether we've even had a conversation as adults, each one of you has played a part in shaping my sense of family, and therefore, me. To all of you... THANKS!

Dad and his two sisters and two brothers

Mom and her brothers and their wives

P.S. I also hit it out of the park to add 16 aunts and uncles and 20 first cousins to my family when I married Lucas.  I love you all, too!

Monday, October 12, 2020

Scripture Prayer - My soul clings to You

One of the reasons I love to memorize Scripture is because when I pray for others or talk to Jesus myself, the Word of God is already in my mind and heart. 

I've mentioned how I've been having some spiraling thoughts lately -- some are challenging in a helpful way, some are paralyzing. I try to let those anxious thoughts be a trigger to pray. Today, though, I thought I would be more specific and pray Scripture whenever those thoughts come to mind.

Many psalms are actually songs or prayers, and they can be very raw emotionally. The one I've chosen to pray today is:

My soul clings to You;
Your strong right hand holds me securely.
-Psalm 63:8

In college, I memorized Psalm 63 from an older version of the New Living Translation. With this psalm, it's already written as a prayer directed to God. As anxieties, uncertainties, and questions come up today, I want to quickly shift gears to "My soul clings to You, Lord; Your strong right hand holds me securely."

As a mom of little boys, I know a thing or two about clinging. Thankfully, God the Father is more patient when we cling to Him. Here's a picture of my strong (left) hand holding Cooper securely.

A friend sent me this video, and this old hymn has breathed new life into me. 

Nothing in my hands I bring,
Simply to Thy cross I cling;
Naked, come to Thee for dress,
Helpless, look to Thee for grace:
Foul, I to the fountain fly,
Wash me, Savior, or I die.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Happy 6-month VIPKid-iversary to me!

(poem written today! 10-9-20)

6 months ago today...
5:30 in the morning...
I met my first Chinese student... 

I was incredibly nervous and spent way too much time 
    looking over the slides and 
    writing out my notes and 
    gathering props the night before.

I woke up extra early to prepare even more
    and collect myself
    and make sure everything was in working order
        Internet? Check
        Teacher Portal? Check
        Webcam? Check
        Speakers? Check
        Microphone? Check

I logged into the classroom, and the countdown began...
With ten seconds to go,
    I clicked

(insert happy ukulele and singing voice and nervous smile)
Hello, hello
My name is Teacher Mary
What is your name?

James (his English name, of course)
Nice and easy to pronounce

Happy, eager-to-learn kiddo
A wonderful one-on-one introduction to the beauty of China

Level 2, Unit 5, Learning Cycle 1, Lesson 1
I taught the word [friend]
    and the verb [to run]
        with the conjugations [She runs. It runs. He runs. I run.]

I taught the high frequency word [we]
    and we blended words from the /-ig/ family
        dig, mig, big, wig

I taught how to use capital letters for names

25ish minutes later...
I waved goodbye
    and said "See you next time!"
        and clicked 

My heart was racing
but my lingering smile told the story

I. love. this!

1,175 classes
29,375 minutes
412 students
12,406 dollars 
and 188 days later...

I'm still at it
and still smiling :-)

Thank You, Jesus, for ...
  • the technology to teach kids on the other side of the world from my home, 
  • the opportunity to contribute to our family's finances, 
  • the early morning work hours so I can homeschool and be present with our boys during the day, 
  • the ability to utilize my skills, background, education, and gifts,
  • the cultural connection of learning about China through the eyes of its children, 
  • the safety of breathing only my own air and teaching without a mask or face shield
  • the fulfillment of a long-dormant desire to teach in China

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Thankful Thursday - Follow Me

I'm still feeling scattered, but I'm trying to let any anxiety be a trigger to pray. I just keep going back to Jesus -- talking to Him, declaring my trust in Him, begging Him for peace of mind and heart. This morning, He spoke to me in an unexpected way. I was teaching a Level 1 VIP class, which always starts with a song. For this unit, the greeting song was "Follow me. We talk together. Follow me. We sing together. How are you today? Great!"  The "Follow Me" reminded me of when Jesus called His disciples. This thought led to a wonderful picture in my head of Jesus inviting me to come follow Him as we talk and sing together. It simplifies all the swirling thoughts in my head. 

JESUS, thank you for inviting me to come sing and talk with You. You've given me blessing upon blessing, and I'm grateful. Thank you for...
41,681. teaching Shiny, Teresa, and Tracy
41,682. listening to V audiobook together while doing a puzzle
41,683. a good, long conversation with Katie C
41,684. friends who point me back to Scripture
41,685. I have the mind of Christ
41,682. Your Spirit seals me
41,683. I can take every thought captive
41,684. Lucas was able to get a tetanus shot
41,685. handling all four boys' bedtimes
41,686. reading a Sophie Mouse book together
41,687. dishes done (the streak continues!)
41,688. I don't have any health problems
41,689. one-on-one time with Calvin
41,670. praying for others
41,671. opportunities to recycle
41,672. the smell from the crockpot
41,673. Calvin narrating on Marco Polo
41,674. little boys taking a long nap
41,675. first Thursday with morning time
41,676. teaching Cooper how to play Go Fish
41,677. offloading lots of library books (and returning them on time!)
41,678. Lucas able to get some rest
41,679. Carter doing his schoolwork without complaint
41,680. Bible time at the table together
41,681. songs, stories, game, Bible time - a good mix
41,682. wonderful to meet Sophia this morning
41,683. she played the hulusi; I played the recorder
41,684. having food on hand to make for others
41,685. old e-mails that speak to me today
41,686. big boys helping with little boys
41,687. wisdom from my uncle Paul

This tunnel on the Legacy Trail goes under Interstate 75. There's a light at the end! :-)


Psalm Song Options

If you know anything about my Scripture memory journey, you know that I prefer and encourage memorizing with song.  There are many great Scr...