Saturday, January 9, 2021

Lexington Parks - Idle Hour Park

Idle Hour Park (212 St Ann Dr)
Location -  off Richmond Road, inside New Circle, across Richmond Road from Lakeview Park
Playground? yes (one main playground and a small one by a baseball field)
Trails? yes (paved)
Other - several baseball fields

We headed over to Idle Hour (which I've seen spelled both as one word and two) on a sunny day in December.

The boys LOVE finding bridges, so they were immediately drawn to this one. And I followed...

We set up "camp" here for a picnic. Calvin moved these logs over for us.

I particularly enjoyed this tree...

The playground was occupied, but who needs a playground when you've got bleachers and a grassy field! There were four sections, so they each claimed one.

That sky!

We walked past the baseball fields and noticed this tiny swings-and-slides playground with no one around. I'd like to call this the "keep-kids-occupied-while-their-siblings-have-practices-or-games playground.

Brother train!

(Note: We have visited 40+ parks in Lexington since the beginning of Covid. These are not meant to be extensive reviews but more a record of our experiences. Eventually I will add hyperlinks to all the blog entries here) 

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