Saturday, March 6, 2021

Lexington Parks - Arboretum

(This sign perhaps wins the prize for most dangerous sign to take a picture in front of! It's right next to the entrance and exit. I gave the big boys a pep talk, and we swooped in and out for the picture)

The Arboretum (500 Alumni Dr.)
Location - between Tates Creek and Nicholasville Rd on Alumni, across from the football stadium
Playground? no
Trails? yes (paved and unpaved)
Other? Kentucky Children's Garden, nature center, flowers, story walk, logs to climb on

    This is a great place to walk. Unfortunately, everyone knows it, and it is usually crowded. We even came once while it was sprinkling and there were still a lot of cars in the parking lot. Unlike any other park in town, this one required masks while on the trails. We have masks for the big boys, but we have rarely used them because they're never inside any buildings, and we stay far away from people while walking or playing. Still, I wanted to be a rule-follower, so I made them wear their masks. They came in handy for the forested paths, which can be quite narrow and difficult to give a wide berth to someone. What we miss most of all is the Kentucky Children's Garden. One year, we went all the time because we had a membership there. It is SUCH a delightful place for children to play and explore. 

We tried for a timer picture, but Cooper started going towards the camera.

Hanging out in a log

Trying out a different timer pic

The day we walked around the gardens and in the forest

It's so weird to see them in masks. We're not anti-masks; we just haven't been around people or in buildings to warrant wearing them.

Little ducks in a row

(Note: We visited all 88 LFUCG parks in the span of a Covid year -- mid-March 2020 to February 2021. These are not meant to be extensive reviews but more a record of our experiences. Eventually I will add hyperlinks to all the blog entries here)

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