Saturday, March 6, 2021

Lexington Parks - Kirklevington

(This park picture includes Calvin way off in the distance who thought we had done entirely too much walking for the day)

Kirklevington Park (296 Redding Road)
Location - near Tates Creek Road
Playground? yes 
Trails? yes (paved)
Other? open fields, exercise equipment, pickleball courts, baseball fields.

    There's a great walking trail around this park. We did the whole loop once, which was a bit too much for the boys. We also came in the winter hoping for a chance to play on an empty playground. We wandered around for 45 minutes when the kids finally left the playground. We stormed in with great whoops and hollers until 2 minutes later when another family came. Such an awkward thing to avoid being around people. It feels arrogant and uppity to leave a playground just because someone else comes to play. But with four boys and a raging pandemic that isn't over yet, I can't adequately supervise when others are around.

We did a little homeschool on the go with these pine needles. Each little "bundle" had the same amount of needles. So I asked him multiplication questions such as "If I had ___ bundles, how many needles would there be?" He hasn't mastered his multiplication tables yet, but he was able to figure out the answers.

He loved climbing up onto this thing over and over

They're learning to make anything into a game

Our two minutes on the playground. "It was fun while it lasted..."

(Note: We visited all 88 LFUCG parks in the span of a Covid year -- mid-March 2020 to February 2021. These are not meant to be extensive reviews but more a record of our experiences. Eventually I will add hyperlinks to all the blog entries here)

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