Thursday, September 22, 2022

Reflection Poems from my Solitude Retreat

Here are some photo and poem glimpses into my solitude retreat:

My home for five nights. This was my first time in the cabin called "Grace" (all my previous retreats have been in "Joy" and "Wonder")

the "pregnant" tree outside my cabin window 

the sitting area (I spent a lot of time in that chair!) leading into the kitchen area

the desk area

my view out the window

All of the cabins at Cedars of Peace have a journal where fellow sojourners staying in that cabin share their reflections. I always read through all the previous journal entries and then add my own at the end of my stay.

I usually reflect a lot via poetry in between my reading, singing, and hiking:

Connected (8-23-22)

My connectedness brain is seeing on new levels
    how trees are connected to each other and to us
    how bees are connected to 1/3 of every mouthful of food
    how body and soul are connected
    how sleep and spiritual growth are connected
When I haphazardly pull a leaf off a tree,
    it hampers its ability to produce food and grow
When I kill a bee to keep it from stinging me,
    it can no longer pollinate the nearby plants
When I sit sedentarily all day to sharpen my mind,
    I'm lessening the likelihood that my mind will have a working body
        forty years from now
When I wake up super early to read my Bible,
    I'm less effective in living out what I've read
        because I'm too tired and cranky

What I do
    affects more than just me

I am to grow up in every way...
    so that
        when each part is working properly
            the body grows
                so that
            it builds itself up in love

Family and friends and fellow believers
Trees and bees and chimpanzees
Body and mind and spirit
All are connected
And it matters, in this community,
    that I do my part
    that I am rooted and established
        because You have plans for my branches (and roots!)

Solitude Day Two (8-24-22)

Here's what my Tuesday/Day Two looked like:
    finally woke to light instead of dark, so I got up
    walked to Joseph's Lake
        (stopped there because my socks were too wet to get to Mary's)
    wrote in gratitude journal, finished Amazing Love Story
    observed and reflected about the dewy spider webs    
    headed back when my hoodie got too hot
    took communion at some point
    enjoyed a big bowl of oatmeal
    wrote song for John 15:18-27
    took a shower and braided my hair
    read first eight chapters of The Fisherman's Lady
    wrote out beginning of John 15
    ate some crackers and hummus
    walked to Cedars library to look for Lewin and Berry poems
    came back with Hidden Life of Trees and art supplies
    read eight chapters of Hidden Life of Trees
    ate jam bar + yogurt + coconut + walnuts
    sang John 15 song again
    read through my old journal entries
    read two chapters of The Good and Beautiful God
    walked to Mary's Lake and reflected on the sycamore swing
    closed the windows and curtains
    fixed more delicious burritos
    perused Grace journals again
    read a chapter of Holier than Thou
    sang and played praise songs 
           None Like You, God of Wonders, Praise Be, Holy Holy)
    stopped when fingers hurt (for lack of callouses)
    wrote more poems
    read through John 14
    brushed teeth and headed for bed!

Quantifiable (8-27-22)
I feel so much more productive 
    reading books
    or writing poetry
    than I do sitting
and perhaps it's because
    reading and writing
        have a tangible end-PRODUCT
            # of books read
            # of poems read
How can I quantify the value
    of sitting still surrounded by nature?
Is it any less valuable
    when there's nothing visible to show
        for my time spent?
Yet soul care often can be quantified
    and being still is a prerequisite for knowing God

Here Comes the Night (8-22-22)

The sun is sinking low on the horizon
    painting the countryside golden
And as I bask in the warmth and beauty 
    of the sunset
        I'm all too well aware
        which is my least favorite time here
You've delivered me out of so many fears
        and panicked anxiety
        and worst case scenarios
        and step-step-steps outside my window (was it a deer?)
    since my first nights here
But still,
    I dread the nighttime
    just as I dread change
                        and childbirth
                        and getting older
                       (and everyone around me getting older, too)
I know You're faithful
and I know You're with me
and I know You've gently led me through the night here
    but that's part of my fear --
        the fear of what You might ask me to do
            in the middle of the night
Sometimes You whisper to me in the middle of the night
    and I'm learning to be obedient
        but that doesn't make it any easier
            to step out into the dark,
                terrified of what's lurking in the shadows
                    but knowing You're holding my hand
You taught me trust and obedience then,
    but can I get a different lesson this time around?
    or maybe the same lesson but at a different time of day?

            that the sunset ushers in the night

Holy God (8-23-22)

My praise muscles have become weak
    Is it atrophy from apathy?
    Lack of regular times of worship with fellow believers?
    Too much of an inward focus -- on me and my needs?
    Singing primarily the verses I'm working on?

Jackie Hill Perry is taking me on a tour of Your holiness --
    how complete transcendent
                            above all
                            higher, greater
                                You are

King Uzziah, like all other earthly kings before and since,
    was limited by scope and time
        52 years
        (a lot to me,
        a blink to You)
It was the year he died that Isaiah saw the High King
    We throw around titles like "King of kings" and "Almighty"
          without stopping to ponder them
Holy isn't just an attribute -- it's You
    You are holy
    holiness = You
    and You don't switch in and out of attributes
        one day loving
        the next day vengeful
    It's all You all the time

My response?
    Praise. There is no one like You!
    Repentance. I am a woman of unclean lips.
    A desire for holiness. Set me apart for Your purposes.

"Better" (8-25-22)
I confess
    that sometimes I consider myself superior
        when I'm doing something like
            reading a ton of books
            memorizing the book of John
            spending days in silence and solitude
(please forgive me)
but I got to thinking...
    which is more holy?
        me spending these days cloistered away with my Maker?
        or Lucas sacrificing time, energy, and sanity so I could be here?
Is one "better" than the other?
Is one more esteemed or valued?
Oh, that I wouldn't live as Judge
                                    playing the comparison game
                   constantly weighing where I fit on my self-made hierarchy

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